Carleton Fair Vote Club

Not Affiliated with Fair Vote Canada

The Carleton University Fair Vote Club (the "Club") supports Fair Vote Canada's campaigns for education and voting system reform, but is not endorsed, affiliated, or a part of Fair Vote Canada ("FVC") in any way or at any time. The Club categorically does not represent Fair Vote Canada to Carleton University students, nor to the larger Carleton community; any similarity in name is coincidental only. The Club mentions Fair Vote Canada only to facilitate the education of members, students, and the public about FVC, FVC campaigns, and electoral reform. All Executives of the Club are members in good standing of Fair Vote Canada and agree to abide by both the Bylaws of the local Chapter and those of the National Organization, but otherwise in no respect operate, carry on business, represent, or campaign for FVC at any time in their Club capacities. Questions answered or information given by the Club about FVC, or FVC campaigns are the personal opinions of Club members furnishing said information only. Any Club members or Executives signing up members of the public to become members of FVC are doing so as private citizens. The Club imparts absolutely no liability in any way from any action or inaction on it's part to FVC or any FVC local chapter, caucus, committee, or other body of FVC, at any time for any reason whatsoever.

Interested in starting a student Fair Vote Canada Club at your university, or college? Please do not hesitate to contact the Club or the Chapter Development Committee of FVC (not affiliated).

:: posted 20/Oct/2006